Thursday, March 19, 2015

And So It Begins...

If I take a moment and think about this adventure we're embarking on (and trust me when I say that finding a moment to think in the last week has been a struggle) I realize that this whole trip began with a very special moment: our wedding, our love story. I've been planning this honeymoon for six months and the prep work has been very entertaining and fun. However, I wanted to make a point to remember that the reason we're going to Europe is to celebrate the promise Super Nel and I made to each other on September 13, 2014 surrounded by so many people who love and support us. We couldn't believe how many friends decided to join us on an adventure halfway across the world and it makes us feel so good to know that we'll have endless moments of laugher and stories to share when we get home. 

Now the four days before departure are a complete fog. Darius and I worked four night shifts in a row (which we've never attempted before) and Super Nel worked three in a row. We made it point to be as prepared as possible by Saturday before departure so that come Wednesday morning after we left work all we'd have to do is last minute packing (read: food) and drive up to LAX for our flight. That was the ideal plan-but as we all know, plans don't always work out the way we want them to. In the span of four days I somehow lost my brand new travel wallet (with driver's license, student ID and second Europe credit card).  After four night shifts in a row, my brain was foggy and my short term memory was mush. I kept brushing my teeth after work because I'd forget that I had already done it. I don't recommend working up until the minute before departure-but if you have to do it I highly advise you to place all your "must have" items in one safe secure location. Luckily I had done this with my passport so our trip was not impacted by my loss.

At home before departure, Super Nel and I sat in the living room doing one final organization of our backpacks and I started sorting all our travel food into ziplocks. I put peanut butter pretzels in small bags and popcorn in large ones and separated all snacks into 3 large bags to go into carryons (Super Nel, Darius and I would each carry one). 

The ride up to LAX was very uneventful and I remember nothing-mainly because the three of us that had worked the night before were fast asleep as soon as Freddy started the engine. 

Upon arrival to LAX we received a text message from Norwegian air (our airline carrier for this trip) saying our flight had been delayed by 2 hours. Since we'd done well with traffic from San Diego this meant we'd have six hours to kill at the airport. Good thing we had plenty of options for entertainment.

We waited in line at Norwegian's counter to claim our free food vouchers due to the delay. 

While we were in line, Super Nel saw a sign that said: Upgrade to Premium Seating for $400. He and Darius discussed asking the agent if they'd give us a two for one deal. Freddy and I were indifferent to the deal mainly because we'd prepared to travel coach on our long flight. But the thought of a comfy lay down seat did sound appealing after a day with no sleep. So Darius asked the agent if they'd give us the 2 for 1 deal and you can imagine my surprise when she said yes! 

When it came time to weigh our carryon luggage Super Nel's bag barely made the cut at 9.6kg. My bag cleared with 8.8kg. However Darius and Freddy weren't so lucky. Their bags were 11.5kg and 13.5kg. The max weight for carryon luggage is 10kg per person. Darius and Freddy has to reorganize their luggage and add more to their 1 checked bag (in the end they decided they were unable to pack light and prepaid for one checked bag. If you absolutely must check a bag I recommend paying ahead of time to save some money). You can imagine the looks the boys received while reorganizing and repacking their bags. I'm happy to say that the rest of our group passed the carryon test in weight and with one bag. 

We spent the next six (sleep-deprived) hours cashing in our food vouchers and charging our electronics. Funny story: while in line at Norwegian Super Nel recognized a nurse that works at the same hospital as Darius and I. Super Nel has this uncanny ability with faces. He can spot the profile of a person and tell you exactly where he knows them from. I've seen him do this with Top Chef contestants in a crowded room. So when he said he recognized this nurse from a training he attended I took a closer look.  Turns out he was right (not surprised). The three girls turned out to be nurses from our sister unit and we have the same manager! We couldn't believe the odds. Coworkers on the same flight headed to Amsterdam. We enjoyed some time at the bar sharing travel stories with these lovely ladies and sent our boss a photo. We also made plans to meet up when we arrive in Amsterdam. 

The other friends in our group that would be flying with us included: Josef, Pedro, Shane, Jose, Chris, Maria and Adele. 
 We couldn't wait to board our plane. 

Once onboard-Freddy, Darius, Super Nel and I realized we'd made a good investment in the upgrade. The seats recline like a lazy boy recliner and an hour into the flight we were all pretty much asleep. I slept like a baby for a good 7.5 hours. When I woke up I did some beautifying. One of my favorite bloggers (ladies I highly recommend Travel Fashion Girl) suggested one way to keep your skin hydrated is to put on a mask while in flight. I figured I'd look ridiculous but did it anyway. I got a $3 mask from Sephora and it l just lays on your face like wet tissue. So I started watching Xmen: Days of Future Past while getting beautified. The cabin was still pretty dark. I don't know if I'd of had the guts to do it with the lights on. I think I scared the crap out of the flight attendant as he walked by once. 

The thing about travel that I love most is the reflection that takes place inside me. Watching Xmen: Days of Future Past has me reflecting on my personal past. I thought about every choice and challenge that led to me to my current place in life. I thought about what life might be like if I'd chosen different during any of my past adventures. Then I asked myself, if I had to do it all over again, if I had a way to bypass all the challenges and times of struggle and stress would I take that opportunity? The answer came pretty easily-I wouldn't change a single thing about my lifelong adventure. Every laugh and tear and moment has led up to this amazing journey. It's more than I ever dreamed of and as corny and cliche as that sounds it's 100% true. As I look around the cabin as our plane makes its final decent, I find a place of peace inside my heart and think "Let the next adventure begin."  

Now to go explore London....

1 comment:

  1. What a way to start your trip! 4 days on, driving and flying ! Pretty amazing you ran into fellow nurses.

    Again great blog.

    Tony from your unit.
